Final Exam, Spring 2001
Take Home Due: 5pm, Monday, 30 April, 2001.
This is to be all your own work. You may use any result from class,
homeworks, or the books and papers on reserve in the library.
Do not consult anybody or anything else.
I can dispense hints to help you if you are stuck.
My office extension is 276-6915 and
you can also reach me by email at
I will have office hours Wednesday from 1-3pm
and Friday 2-4pm.
The exam consists of four questions and is worth 100 points.
In order that I can display grades, please write a 4 digit number
on the front of your solution set.
- 1.
- (25 points)
Consider a bipartite graph G=(V,E), where V can be broken into
two parts U and W, and every edge in E has one endpoint in U
and one in W.
implies that
e=(i,j), where
Note that we have not assumed
that every vertex in U is adjacent to every vertex in W.
Because this is a bipartite graph, the maximum cardinality matching
problem can be solved by solving its linear programming relaxation
where xij is one if edge (i,j) is in the matching,
and zero otherwise.
Every basic feasible solution to both (P) and its dual (D) is integral.
- (a)
- (5 points)
What is the dual (D) to the linear program (P)?
(Hint: The dual of a linear program of the form
- (b)
- (10 points)
A node cover of G is a subset S of V such that every
edge in E is incident to at least one vertex in S.
What do the integral solutions to (D) correspond to?
What do you conclude from strong duality?
- (c)
- (10 points)
What are the complementary slackness conditions for the
pair (P) and (D)? Interpret these conditions.
- 2.
- (20 points)
- (a)
- (10 points)
Let M=(N,F) be a matroid defined on the finite set N and with
independent sets F.
The dual matroid
to M can be defined as the independence
system on the finite set N with its maximal independent sets
equal to the complements of the maximal independent sets in M.
Show that
is a matroid.
(Note: The dual matroid is defined in a different way in Nemhauser
and Wolsey. I want you to use the definition I've given you here
to prove this result, and not to use the definition in the text.)
- (b)
- (10 points)
A matric matroid M1=(N1,F1)
can be represented using a matrix:
elements of the finite set N1 correspond to columns of the matrix,
and the independent sets in F1 correspond to
linearly independent subsets of the columns.
A graphic matroid M2=(N2,F2) can be represented
using a graph:
elements of the finite set N2 correspond to edges of the graph,
and the independent sets in F2 correspond to acyclic subsets
of the edges.
Show that any graphic matroid is also a matric matroid.
- 3.
- (30+10 points) Let G be a complete graph on 2s vertices, for some integer
Let each edge e have weight ce.
The equipartition problem on this graph is to divide the vertices
into two sets of size s so as to minimize the sum of the weights of
the edges that have one endpoint in each set. One polyhedral
representation of this problem requires defining variables
for each edge e.
- (a)
- (5 points) Show that x must satisfy the equality
for each vertex v, where
denotes the set of
edges incident to vertex v.
- (b)
- (5 points)
Show that the dimension of the feasible region is no more than
- (c)
- (Extra credit: 10 points)
Show that the dimension of the feasible region is exactly
- (d)
- (5 points) Let C be a cycle of length 3 and let E(C) denote the
edges of this cycle.
Show that any feasible solution satisfies
- (e)
- (5 points) Let C be a cycle of length s+1 and let E(C) denote the
edges of this cycle.
Show that any feasible solution satisfies
- (f)
- (10 points)
Solve the instance of the equipartition problem contained in
using a cutting plane method.
- 4.
- (25 points)
Another approach to the equipartition problem is to define a variable
where k takes the values 1 and 2, corresponding to the two sides
of the equipartition.
Let g(p) denote the p-vector with every entry equal to one.
- (a)
- (8 points)
Let W denote the 2 x 2s matrix whose (k,j)th entry is wkj.
Show that the entries of W satisfy
Wg(2s)=sg(2) and
- (b)
- (8 points)
Let X denote the 2s x 2s matrix whose (i,j)th entry is
the variable xij defined in Question 3 corresponding
to the edge e=(i,j).
Show that E-X=WTW for any feasible equipartition, where E denotes
a matrix whose every entry is one.
- (c)
- (9 points)
Show that an SDP relaxation of the equipartition problem is:
where Z is a 2s x 2s matrix and Cij=ce when the edge
How does the matrix Z relate to the matrices X and W given earlier?
How can we exploit the results of Question 3 in this
SDP formulation?
What have we relaxed to arrive at this formulation?
John E. Mitchell