An interior point cutting plane algorithm for Ising spin glass problems.

John E. Mitchell, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

July 15, 1997.

An interior point cutting plane algorithm for solving Maximum Cut problems of a particular structure is described. The problem of interest is determining the ground states of two dimensional +J,-J Ising spin glasses on square lattices with nearest neighbour interactions and periodic boundary conditions. Computational results for grids of sizes up to 100 x 100 are presented. An estimate of the ground state energy of an infinite spin glass system with the proportion of negative bonds equal to 0.5 is given.

Appeared in "Operations Research Proceedings, SOR 1997, Jena, Germany", Springer-Verlag, edited by P. Kischka and H.-W. Lorenz, 1998, pages 114-119.

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