Solving linear ordering problems with a combined
interior point/simplex cutting plane
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John E. Mitchell
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180 USA
Brian Borchers
Mathematics Department
New Mexico Tech
Socorro, NM 87801 USA
September 25, 1997, revised December 18, 1998.
We describe a cutting plane algorithm for solving linear ordering
problems. The algorithm uses a primal-dual
interior point method to solve the
first few relaxations and then switches to a simplex method to solve
the last few relaxations. The simplex method uses CPLEX 4.0.
We compare the algorithm with one that uses only an interior point
method and with one that uses only a simplex method.
We solve integer programming problems with as many as 31125 binary variables.
Computational results show that the combined approach can dramatically
outperform the other two methods.
Publication details:
Appeared as Chapter 14, pages 349-366, of High Performance Optimization,
edited by H. Frenk et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
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