Publications (reverse chronological order)

John Mitchell

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Technical reports

Appeared in print

    Online first

  1. Integer Programming: Branch-and-Cut Algorithms. Encyclopedia of Optimization, Living reference work, Springer Nature. First online: 24 May 2024.
  2. Integer Programming: Cutting Plane Algorithms. Encyclopedia of Optimization, Living reference work, Springer Nature. First online: 24 May 2024.


  3. Increasing Driver Flexibility through Personalized Menus and Incentives in Ridesharing and Crowdsourced Delivery Platforms, with Hannah Horner and Jennifer Pazour. Naval Research Logistics, 72(1), pages 3--23, 2025. First appeared online: 05 July 2024.


  4. Multi-Period Max Flow Network Interdiction with Restructuring for Disrupting Domestic Sex Trafficking Networks with Daniel Kosmas, Thomas C. Sharkey, Kayse Lee Maass, and Lauren Martin. Annals of Operations Research, 335, pages 797-860, 2024.
  5. Shortest path network interdiction with asymmetric uncertainty, with She'ifa Punla-Green, Jared Gearhart, William Hart, and Cynthia Phillips. Networks 83(3):605-623, 2024.


  6. Classification of human enrichment and refinement in interactive optimization, by M. Zhang, J. Pazour, S. Mishra, J.E. Mitchell, D. Jayarathne. Proceedings of the 2023 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  7. Interdicting restructuring networks with applications in illicit trafficking, with Daniel Kosmas, Thomas C. Sharkey, Kayse Lee Maass, and Lauren Martin. European Journal of Operational Research, 308(2):832-851, 2023.


  8. Optimizing edge sets in networks to produce ground truth communities based on modularity, with Daniel Kosmas, Thomas C. Sharkey, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski. Networks, 80(2), pages 152-177, 2022.
  9. Location of urban micro-consolidation centers to reduce social cost of last-mile deliveries of cargo: a heuristic approach, with Mario Arrieta-Prieto, Abdelrahman Ismael, and Carlos Rivera-Gonzalez. Networks 79(3), pages 292-313, 2022.


  10. Optimizing driver menus under stochastic selection behaviour for ridesharing and crowdsourced delivery, with Hannah Horner and Jennifer Pazour. Transportation Research Part E, Volume 153, 102419, September 2021.
  11. Low-Rank Factorization for Rank Minimization with Nonconvex Regularizers, with April Sagan. Computational Optimization and Applications, 79, pages 273-300, 2021.
  12. Towards the development of quantitative resilience indices for Multi-Echelon Assembly Supply Chains, with Huy Nguyen, Thomas C. Sharkey, Shamus Wheeler, and William (Al) Wallace. Omega, Volume 99, 102199, 2021.
  13. 2020

  14. Training deep neural networks with constrained learning parameters, with Prasanna Date, Christopher D. Carothers, James A. Hendler, and Malik Magdon-Ismail. 2020 International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC), pages 107-115, 2020.
  15. Two relaxation methods for rank minimization problems, with April Sagan and Xin Shen. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 186, 806-825, 2020.
  16. An enhanced logical Benders approach for linear programs with complementarity constraints, with Francisco Jara-Moroni, Jong-Shi Pang, and Andreas Wächter. Journal of Global Optimization, 77, pages 687-714, 2020.
  17. Optimizing the recovery of disrupted single-sourced multi-echelon assembly supply chain networks, with Huy Nguyen, Thomas C. Sharkey, and William (Al) Wallace. IISE Transactions, 52(7), pages 703-720, 2020.
  18. Models for restoration decision making for a supply chain network after a cyber attack with Emily A. Heath and Thomas C. Sharkey. DOI: 10.1177/1548512918808410 The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 17(1), pages 5-19, 2020.
  19. CLARC: An artifical community for modeling the effects of extreme events on interdependent civil and social infrastructure systems, with Richard G. Little, Ryan Loggins, Thomas C. Sharkey, and William (Al) Wallace. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 26(1), 04019041, 2020.
  20. Scheduling of tasks with effectiveness precedence constraints with Emily A. Heath and Thomas C. Sharkey. DOI: 10.1007/s11590-019-01440-x. Optimization Letters, 14(1), pages 37-49, 2020.
  21. 2019

  22. CRISIS: Modeling the restoration of interdependent civil and social infrastructure systems following an extreme event, with Richard G. Little, Ryan Loggins, Thomas C. Sharkey, and William (Al) Wallace. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000326 Natural Hazards Review, 20(3), August 2019.
  23. Solving Linear Programs with Complementarity Constraints using Branch-and-Cut with Bin Yu and Jong-Shi Pang, DOI: 10.1007/s12532-018-0149-2. Mathematical Programming Computation, 11(2), pages 267-310, 2019. (pdf reprint available as part of the Springer Nature SharedIt initiative.)
  24. 2018

  25. A Penalty Method for Rank Minimization Problems in Symmetric Matrices with Xin Shen. DOI: 10.1007/s10589-018-0010-6. Computational Optimization and Applications, 71(2), pages 353-380, 2018. (pdf reprint shared via Springer Nature SharedIt.)
  26. Modeling multimodal transportation network emergency evacuation considering evacuees' cooperative behavior, with Xia Yang and Xuegang (Jeff) Ban. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 114, pages 380-397, 2018. Available for free download until September 12, 2018, via this link from Elsevier Share Link.
  27. Complementarity Formulations of ℓ0-norm Optimization Problems with Mingbin Feng, Jong-Shi Pang, Xin Shen, and Andreas Wächter. Pacific Journal of Optimization, Volume 14, Number 2, 273-305, 2018.
  28. A Fair Division Approach to Humanitarian Logistics Incorporating Conditional Value-at-Risk with Amy Givler Chapman. Annals of OR, 262, pages 133-151, 2018. (Online access to this article has been shared via Springer Nature SharedIt.)


  29. Restoration decision making for a supply chain network under cyber attack, with Emily A. Heath and Thomas C. Sharkey. Proceedings of SummerSim '17. Proceedings of the Summer Simulation Multi-Conference. Bellevue, Washington, July 09 - 12, 2017. Society for Computer Simulation International. San Diego, CA, USA
  30. Modeling multimodal transportation network emergency evacuation considering evacuees' cooperative behavior with Xia Yang and Jeff Ban. Papers Selected for the 22nd International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT22), Chicago, IL, USA. Transportation Research Procedia 23, pages 1038--1058, 2017.
  31. Approximation Algorithms from Inexact Solutions to Semidefinite Programming Relaxations of Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Timothy Lee. Discrete Optimization 24, pages 152-169, 2017,


  32. Applying Ranking and Selection Procedures to Long-Term Mitigation for Improved Network Restoration with Emily Heath and Thomas C. Sharkey. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 4(3), pages 447-481, 2016. (Online access to this article has been shared via Springer Nature SharedIt.)
  33. A dynamic spatial price equilibrium model of integrated urban production-transportation operations considering freight delivery tours, with José Holguin-Veras, Ning Xu, and Miguel Jaller. Transportation Science, 50(2), pages 489-519, 2016.
  34. On conic QPCCs, conic QCQPs and completely positive programs with Lijie Bai and Jong-Shi Pang, Mathematical Programming, 159(1), pages 109-136, 2016. (Online access to this article has been shared via Springer Nature SharedIt.)
  35. Identification and Classification of Restoration Interdependencies in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy with Thomas C. Sharkey, Sarah Nurre, Huy Nguyen, Joe H. Chow, and William (Al) Wallace. ASCE's Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 22(1): 04015007, 2016.


  36. Global resolution of the support vector machine regression parameters selection problem with LPCC, by Yu-Ching Lee, Jong-Shi Pang, and John E. Mitchell. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 3(3), pages 197-261, 2015. (Online access to this article has been shared via Springer Nature SharedIt.)
  37. Increasing the Resiliency of Local Supply Chain Distribution Networks against Multiple Hazards, with Sarah Nurre and Thomas C. Sharkey. Supply Chain Management and Logistics: Innovative Strategies and Practical Solutions, edited by Zhe Liang, Wanpracha Art Chaovalitwongse, and Leyuan Shi. Published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, November 2015.
  38. An algorithm for global solution to bi-parametric linear complementarity constrained linear programs, with Yu-Ching Lee and Jong-Shi Pang, Journal of Global Optimization 62(2), pages 263-297, 2015.
  39. Interdependent Network Restoration: On the Value of Information-Sharing with Thomas C. Sharkey, Burak Cavdaroglu, Huy Nguyen, Jonathan Holman, and William (Al) Wallace. European Journal of Operational Research, 244(1), pages 309-321, 2015.


  40. An Interdependent Layered Network Model for a Resilient Supply Chain with Jing Gong, Ananth Krishnamurthy, and William (Al) Wallace. Omega, 46, pages 104-116, 2014.
  41. Convex Quadratic Relaxations of Nonconvex Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs with Jong-Shi Pang, and Bin Yu. Optimization Methods and Software, 29(1), pages 120-136, 2014.
  42. Using quadratic convex reformulation to tighten the convex relaxation of a quadratic program with complementarity constraints with Lijie Bai and Jong-Shi Pang, Optimization Letters, 8(3), pages 811-822, 2014.


  43. A Globally Convergent Probability-One Homotopy for Linear Programs with Linear Complementarity Constraints with Layne T. Watson, Stephen C. Billups, and David R. Easterling. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 23(2), 1167-1188, 2013.
  44. "Urban freight tour models: state of the art and practice" with José Holguin-Veras, Ellen Thorson, Qian Wang, Ning Xu, Carlos Gonzalez-Calderon, and Ivan Sanchez-Diaz. Freight Transport Modelling, edited by Moshe Ben-Akiva, Hilde Meersman and Eddy Van de Voorde, Chapter 17, 2013.
  45. Rebalancing an Investment Portfolio in the Presence of Convex Transaction Costs and Market Impact Costs with Stephen Braun, Optimization Methods and Software, 28(3), 523-542, 2013. (Online first, September 3, 2012.)
  46. P-hub approach for the optimal park-and-ride facility location problem, with Felipe Aros-Vera and Vladimir Marianov. European Journal of Operational Research, 226(2), pages 277-285, 16 April 2013. (Online first, November 17, 2012.)
  47. On Convex Quadratic Programs with Linear Complementarity Constraints with Lijie Bai and Jong-Shi Pang, Computational Optimization and Applications, 54(3), pages 517-554, April 2013. (Online first, July 18, 2012.)
  48. Integrating Restoration and Scheduling Decisions for Disrupted Interdependent Infrastructure Systems with Burak Cavdaroglu, Erik Hammel, Thomas C. Sharkey, and William (Al) Wallace. Annals of Operations Research, 203, pages 279-294, March 2013. (Online first, September 5, 2011.)


  49. Properties of a cutting plane method for semidefinite programming, with Kartik Krishnan Sivaramakrishnan, Pacific Journal of Optimization, Volume 8(4), pages 779-802, 2012.
  50. Obtaining Tighter Relaxations of Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints, with Jong-Shi Pang, and Bin Yu. Chapter 1 in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 21, August 2012.
  51. Restoring Infrastructure Systems: An Integrated Network Design and Scheduling Problem, with Sarah G. Nurre, Burak Cavdaroglu, Thomas C. Sharkey, and William (Al) Wallace. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 223(3), pages 794-806, 16 December 2012.
  52. An LPCC Approach to Nonconvex Quadratic Programs with Jing Hu and Jong-Shi Pang, Mathematical Programming 133(1-2), pages 243-277, 2012. (Online first, November 8, 2010.)
  53. On Linear Programs with Linear Complementarity Constraints with Jing Hu, Jong-Shi Pang, and Bin Yu. Journal of Global Optimization, 53(1), pages 29-51, 2012. (Online first on January 7, 2011.)


  54. "Decision modeling for resilient infrastructures", with Jing Gong and William (Al) Wallace. July 2011. Proceedings of ISI 2011.
  55. "Decomposition methods for restoring infrastructure systems", with Burak Cavdaroglu, Sarah G. Nurre, Thomas C. Sharkey, and William (Al) Wallace, Proceedings of ICVRAM, April 2011.
  56. Branch and Cut. In the Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. February 2011.


  57. Cutting plane methods and subgradient methods. Chapter 2, pages 34-61, in "TutORials in Operations Research, INFORMS 2009", edited by M. Oskoorouchi, October 2009.
  58. Logic-based Multi-Objective Optimization for Restoration Planning with Jing Gong, Rusty Lee, and William (Al) Wallace. Chapter 11, Optimization and Logistics Challenges in the Enterprise, Springer, New York, 2009, edited by W. Chaovalitwongse, K.C. Furman, and P.M. Pardalos.
  59. Network Flow Approaches for Analyzing and Managing Disruptions to Interdependent Infrastructure Systems (pdf draft), with Rusty Lee and William (Al) Wallace. In the "Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security", edited by John G. Voeller, Volume 2. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ. 2009, pp 1419-1428. (Also accessible here.)
  60. A second-order cone cutting surface method: complexity and application, with Mohammad Oskoorouchi, Computational Optimization and Applications 43(3), pages 379-409, 2009.


  61. An analytic center cutting plane approach for conic programming, with Luc Basescu. Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 33(3), pages 529-551, 2008.
  62. On the Global Solution of Linear Programs with Linear Complementarity Constraints with Jing Hu, Jong-Shi Pang, Kristin P. Bennett, and Gautam Kunapuli, SIAM Journal on Optimization 19 (1), 2008, pages 445-471.
  63. Proximity Queries between Convex Objects: An Interior Point Approach for Implicit Surfaces, with Srinivas Akella, Nilanjan Chakraborty, and Jufeng Peng. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24(1), 2008, pages 211-220.
  64. Selective Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization for conic cutting surface algorithms, with Luc Basescu, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Volume 67, Number 1, pages 91-115, 2008.
  65. Optimal Placement of Stereo Sensors, with Mohammad Al Hasan and Krishna K. Ramachandran. Optimization Letters, Volume 2, Number 1, pages 99-111, January 2008.


  66. Restoration of services in interdependent infrastructure systems: a network flows approach with Earl (Rusty) Lee and Al Wallace. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, Volume 37(6), pages 1303-1317, 2007.
  67. Branch-and-Price-and-Cut on the Clique Partition Problem with Minimum Clique Size Requirement, with Xiaoyun Ji, Discrete Optimization, 4 (1), 2007, pages 87-102.


  68. Proximity Queries between Convex Objects: An Interior Point Approach for Implicit Surfaces, with Srinivas Akella, Nilanjan Chakraborty, and Jufeng Peng, September 2005. Proceedings of ICRA2006, the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
  69. Interior point methods for large-scale linear programming, with Kris Farwell and Daryn Ramsden, Handbook of Optimization in Telecommunications. Edited by Mauricio G. C. Resende and Panos M. Pardalos. Springer Science + Business Media, 2006. Pages 3-25.
  70. Semidefinite cut-and-price approaches for the maxcut problem, with Kartik Krishnan, Computational Optimization and Applications, Volume 33(1), pages 51-71, 2006.
  71. A unifying framework for several cutting plane methods for semidefinite programming, with Kartik Krishnan, Optimization Methods and Software, 21(1), February 2006, pages 57-74.


  72. Decision technologies for protection of critical infrastructures, with Earl (Rusty) Lee, Al Wallace, and David Mendonça. May 2005. Proceedings of "Working Together: R&D Partnerships in Homeland Security", Boston.
  73. Using selective orthonormalization to update the analytic center after the addition of multiple cuts, with Srini Ramaswamy, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Volume 125, Number 2, May 2005, pages 431-451.
  74. Finding optimal realignments in sports leagues using a branch-and-cut-and-price approach, with Xiaoyun Ji, International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR), Volume 1, Numbers 1-2, pages 101-122, 2005.
  75. A semidefinite programming heuristic for quadratic programming problems with complementarity constraints with Steve Braun, Computational Optimization and Applications 31(1), 2005, pages 5-29.


  76. Extreme Events and the Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems, with Earl (Rusty) Lee and Al Wallace. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Integrated Life-Cycle Management of Infrastructures, Hong Kong, December 2004.
  77. An approach for solving the integrative freight market simulation, with Ellen Thorson and Jose Holguín-Veras, May 2004. Proceedings of the Pan-American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (PANAM XIII), CD-ROM.
  78. Assessing Vulnerability of Proposed Designs for Interdependent Infrastructure Systems with Earl (Rusty) Lee and Al Wallace. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'04), January 05 - 08, 2004, Big Island, Hawaii.
  79. Disruptions in interdependent infrastructure systems: a network flows approach with Earl (Rusty) Lee and Al Wallace. Proceedings of the 2004 NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, Dallas, January 5-8, 2004.


  80. Managing disruptions to critical interdependent infrastructures in the context of the 2001 WorldTrade Center attack with Al Wallace, David Mendonça, Earl (Rusty) Lee, and Joe Chow. In Beyond September 11: An account of post-disaster research M. F. Myers, Ed. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center, University of Colorado, Program on Environment and Behavior, Special Publication #39, pages 165-198, 2003.
  81. Polynomial interior point cutting plane methods, Optimization Methods and Software, 18(5), pages 507-534, 2003.
  82. "Realignment in the National Football League," Naval Research Logistics, 50(7), pages 683-701, 2003.
  83. "Semi-infinite linear programming approaches to semidefinite programming problems," with Kartik Krishnan, Fields Institute Communications Series, Volume 37, Novel approaches to hard discrete optimization problems, edited by P. Pardalos and H. Wolkowicz, pages 123--142, 2003.


  84. Branch-and-cut methods for combinatorial optimization problems, in the Handbook of Applied Optimization, Oxford University Press, 2002.


  85. Branch-and-bound methods for integer programming, with Eva K. Lee, in the Encyclopedia of Optimization, Volume II, pages 509-519, Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 2001.
  86. Cutting plane algorithms for integer programming, in the Encyclopedia of Optimization, Volume II, pages 525-533, Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 2001.
  87. Branch-and-cut algorithms for integer programming, in the Encyclopedia of Optimization, Volume II, pages 519-525, Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 2001.
  88. "Restarting after branching in the SDP approach to MAX-CUT and similar combinatorial optimization problems", Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 5(2), 2001, pages 151-166.
  89. "A homogenized cutting plane method to solve the convex feasibility problem," with Erling Andersen, Kees Roos, and Tamas Terlaky, Chapter 10 in Optimization Methods and Applications, edited by X. Q. Yang et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers, April 2001.
  90. An ellipsoid algorithm for equality-constrained nonlinear programs, with Sharmila Shah and Mike Kupferschmid. Computers and Operations Research, 28(1), 2001, pages 85-92.


  91. "A Long-Step, Cutting Plane Algorithm for Linear and Convex Programming," (with Srini Ramaswamy), Annals of OR, Volume 99, 2000, pages 95-122.
  92. "Computational experience with an interior point cutting plane algorithm", SIAM Journal on Optimization, volume 10(4), pages 1212-1227, 2000.
  93. "Stratified filtered sampling in stochastic optimization," (with John Mulvey, Bob Rush, and Tom Willemain), Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 4(1), 2000, pp. 17-38.
  94. "Solving linear ordering problems with a combined interior point/simplex cutting plane algorithm", with Brian Borchers. Appeared as Chapter 14, pages 349-366, of High Performance Optimization, edited by H. Frenk et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
  95. "Computational Experience of an Interior-Point SQP Algorithm in a Parallel Branch-and-Bound Framework", with Eva K. Lee. Appeared as Chapter 13, pages 329-347, of High Performance Optimization, edited by H. Frenk et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.


  96. "Interior point methods for combinatorial optimization,". With Panos Pardalos and Mauricio G. C. Resende. Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, Volume 1, pages 189-297, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
  97. "An interior point cutting plane algorithm for Ising spin glass problems", pdf format. Appeared in "Operations Research Proceedings, SOR 1997, Jena, Germany", Springer-Verlag, edited by P. Kischka and H.-W. Lorenz, 1998, pages 114-119. (Abstract.) The generator for some Ising spin glass instances is available.


  98. "Computational experience of an interior point algorithm in a parallel branch-and-cut framework", with Eva K. Lee, Proceedings of the Eighth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Minneapolis, March 1997, CD-ROM.
  99. "A branch-and-cut algorithm for MAX-SAT and weighted MAX-SAT", with S. Joy and B. Borchers, in "Satisfiability Problem: Theory and Applications", edited by D. Du, J. Gu, and P. Pardalos, 1997, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 35, pages 519-536.
  100. "Fixing variables and generating classical cutting planes when using an interior point branch and cut method to solve integer programming problems", European Journal of Operational Research, volume 97, 1997, pages 139-148.
  101. "A computational comparison of Branch and Bound and Outer Approximation Methods for 0-1 mixed integer nonlinear programs", with Brian Borchers, Computers and Operations Research, 24, 1997, pages 699-701.
  102. "Computational experience in nonlinear mixed integer programming", with Eva K. Lee, Proceedings of the Symposium on Operations Research 1996 (SOR96), August 1996, Braunschweig, Germany, published by Springer-Verlag, 1997, pages 95-100.


  103. "Interior point algorithms for combinatorial optimization", appeared in "Interior Point Methods in Mathematical Programming", edited by Tamas Terlaky, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, chapter 11, pages 417-466.
  104. "Interior point algorithms for integer programming", appeared in "Advances in Linear and Integer Programming", edited by John E. Beasley, Oxford University Press, 1996, chapter 6, pages 223-248.
  105. "Solving real-world linear ordering problems using a primal-dual interior point cutting plane method", with Brian Borchers, Annals of Operations Research, volume 62, 1996, pages 253-276.


  106. "A Primal-Dual Interior Point Method for Linear Programming Based on a Weighted Barrier Function", with Z.-Y. Cheng, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 87, 1995, pages 301-321.
  107. "The nonlinear effects of teaching and consulting on academic research and productivity", with Douglas S. Rebne, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, volume 29, 1995, pages 47-57.


  108. "An Alternative Derivation of the Projective Interior Point Method for Linear Programming Through the Least Squares Approach", with Z.-Y. Cheng, Optimization, 31, 1994, pages 95-106.
  109. "An improved branch and bound algorithm for mixed integer nonlinear programming", with Brian Borchers, Computers and Operations Research, 21(4), 1994, pages 359-367.
  110. "Analyzing and Exploiting the Structure of the Constraints in the ILP Approach to the Scheduling Problem", with S. Chaudhuri and R. A. Walker, IEEE Transactions on VLSI, Volume 2, December 1994, pages 456-471.
  111. "An interior point column generation method for linear programming using shifted barriers", SIAM Journal on Optimization, 4, 1994, pages 423-440.


  112. "The structure of assignment, precedence, and resource constraints in the ILP approach to the scheduling problem", with S. Chaudhuri and R. A. Walker, Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design.
  113. "Updating lower bounds when using Karmarkar's projective algorithm for linear programming", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 78, 1993, pages 127-142.


  114. "A primal-dual interior point cutting plane method for the linear ordering problem", with Brian Borchers, COAL Bulletin, Volume 21, November 1992, pages 13-18.
  115. "Solving combinatorial optimization problems using Karmarkar's algorithm", with M. J. Todd, Mathematical Programming 56, 1992, pages 245-284.


  116. "Solving matching problems using Karmarkar's algorithm", with M. J. Todd, appeared in "Mathematical Developments Arising from Linear Programming (Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 114)", edited by J. C. Lagarias and M. J. Todd, AMS, 1991, pages 309-318.


  117. "Nonlinear decision variables in work design: faculty roles and research productivity", with Douglas S. Rebne, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, California, November 1990, pages 1426-1428.


  118. "A variant of Karmarkar's linear programming algorithm for problems with some unrestricted variables", with M. J. Todd, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, volume 10(1), 1989, pages 30-38.
  119. "On the Relationship Between the Search Directions in the Affine and Projective Variants of Karmarkar's Linear Programming Algorithm", with M. J. Todd, appeared in "Contributions to Operations Research and Economics: The Twentieth Anniversary of CORE", edited by Bernard Cornet and Henry Tulkens, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1989, pages 237-250.


  120. "Karmarkar's Algorithm and Combinatorial Optimization Problems", PhD thesis, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 1988.

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