On the Global Solution of Linear Programs with
Linear Complementarity Constraints
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(This is the revision from November 2007.)
Jing Hu
huj at rpi.edu
John E. Mitchell
mitchj at rpi.edu
jspang at uiuc.edu
Kristin P. Bennett
bennek at rpi.edu
Gautam Kunapuli
kunapg at rpi.edu
All authors are with the Department of
Mathematical Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Troy,
New York 12180-3590, U.S.A
March 7, 2007. Revised November 2007.
SIAM Journal on Optimization
19 (1) 2008, pages 445-471.
SIAM link.
DOI: 10.1137/07068463x
This paper presents a parameter-free integer-programming based algorithm
for the global resolution of a linear program with linear complementarity
constraints (LPEC).
The cornerstone of the algorithm is a minimax integer program
formulation that characterizes and provides certificates for the three
outcomes---infeasibility, unboundedness, or solvability---of an LPEC.
An extreme point/ray generation scheme in the spirit of Benders
decomposition is developed, from which valid inequalities in
the form of satisfiability constraints are obtained. The feasibility
problem of these inequalities and the carefully guided linear programming
relaxations of the LPEC are the workhorse of the algorithm, which also employs
a specialized procedure for the sparsification of the satifiability cuts.
We establish the finite termination of the algorithm and
report computational results using the algorithm for solving randomly generated
LPECs of reasonable sizes. The results establish that the algorithm can handle
infeasible, unbounded, and solvable LPECs effectively.
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