TF 12:00–1:50, Low 4034 Spring 2024
Course Outline: Optimization is concerned with optimal allocation of resources, and linear programming is the fundamental optimization problem. There has been a great deal of progress in linear programming and very large problems can now be solved routinely using two different types of approaches — the simplex method and interior point methods. This course discusses these two classes of approaches, the theory underlying them, and extensions of the approaches. Interior point methods can be regarded as methods for nonlinear programming applied to linear programming. They can also be used to solve nonlinear programming problems, particularly conic optimization problems.
Grading policy: The grade will be determined by three elements: homework, a midterm exam, and a project. The three elements will be equally important. Grades will be posted on LMS.
I will give out a homework approximately every two weeks. The homeworks will probably contain some computational work using AMPL, a mathematical programming modeling language. You should learn a fair amount from the homeworks. Therefore, try working out the solutions on your own. If you have difficulties, you may talk to me or to other students about the homeworks, but you must write up your solutions on your own. You may be able to find the solutions to some of the homework questions on the web: do not use these solutions!
There will be an in-class midterm exam on about Friday, March 15. The exam must be all your own work.
The project will involve modeling and computational testing. Depending on the project, the testing may use AMPL or PYOMO or it may use a programming language such as MATLAB or PYTHON or C or FORTRAN. You will write up your solution and give a presentation in class. The presentation will take place either during the last week of classes or during the time scheduled for a final exam. Your project can be one of the following:
Student learning objectives: Develop a thorough understanding of the theory and algorithms of linear programming. Be able to perform standard manipulations of linear optimization problems, especially those related to duality. Be able to solve optimization problems using modern packages. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
D. Bertsimas and J. Tsitsiklis, Introduction to Linear Optimization, Athena Scientific, 1997. |
S. Wright, Primal-dual Interior Point Methods. SIAM, 1997. Covers most of the second half of the course. Note: SIAM membership is free for RPI students, and SIAM books are discounted 30% for members if you buy directly from SIAM. Further, SIAM e-books are free for RPI students, including this book. |
Online texts and resources:
J. Lee, A First Course in Linear Optimization, Reex Press, 2013–23. | |
S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, Cambridge University Press, 2009. |
Office Hours:
Tuesdays 2.30-4pm, AE 325 (masks required) or webex.
Thursday 1–2pm, on webex:
Find our class signup link at:
Prerequisites: MATP4700/ISYE4770, or permission of instructor. Familiarity with linear programming and linear algebra will be assumed. Some elements of MATP6600/ISYE6780 and MATP4820/ISYE4780, such as the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions and Newton’s method, will be used, although it is not necessary to have seen this material before.
Attendance: Strongly encouraged. Active engagement in class will greatly help you in understanding the material.
The World Wide Web: This outline, the homeworks, and other information will be available via my homepage,
In addition, an RPI LMS page has been set up for this course. The software package AMPL will be available from there.
Academic Integrity: Student-teacher relationships are based on mutual trust. Acts which violate this trust undermine the educational process. The Rensselaer Handbook defines various forms of academic dishonesty and procedures for responding to them. The penalties for cheating can include failure in the course, as well as harsher punishments.
Appealing grades: As with any other administrative question regarding this course, see me in the first instance. If we are unable to reach agreement, you may appeal my decision to the Head of the Math Sciences department.
Cell phones: Please make sure that cell phone ringers are turned off during class.
John Mitchell | 518–276–6915 |
Amos Eaton 325 | mitchj at rpi dot edu |
Office hours: | Tues 2.30-4pm, AE 325 (masks required) or webex. |
Thurs 1–2pm, webex: |