MATP6640/DSES6770 Linear Programming, Homework 3.

Due: 11.59pm on Friday, February 18, 2022 on LMS.
10% penalty for each day late.

Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition solves the linear programming problem

min   c x
s.t.   Ax   =   b                                          (P)
        x  ∈   X  :=  {x ∈ IRn  : Hx  = h,x ≥  0}

where X is a polyhedron and A is m × n. The procedure solves subproblems of the form

min   (cT - πT A)x
s.t.        x       ∈   X            (SP (π))

where (π,σ) IRm+1 is the current dual solution to the Master Problem. Questions 3 and 4 concern Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition.

  1. Let Q be the polyhedron
                         [   ]     [    ]     [   ]     [   ]
Q := {x ∈  IR2 :  x =   1   y1 +   2  y2 +   2  z1 +   1   z2,
                       3          1         1         1

                 y1 ≥ 0,y2 ≥ 0,z1 ≥ 0,z2 ≥ 0,y1 + y2 = 1}.

    Use the proof of the affine Weyl theorem (so use Fourier-Motzkin elimination explicitly) to construct constraints Ax b such that

Q  = {x ∈ IR  : Ax ≥ b}.

    (Note that the y variables correspond to the extreme points and the z variables correspond to the rays.)

  2. Suppose we are given the extreme points and extreme rays of a pointed polyhedron P IRn. Let xˆ IRn. Construct a linear programming problem whose solution provides us with an inequality gT x > gT xˆ that is satisfied by all x P and violated by xˆ, or allows us to conclude that no such inequality exists. What is the dual of your LP? Give an interpretation of the dual LP. (Such an inequality defines a separating hyperplane that separates ˆx from P. Note that the variables in the LP will include g.)
  3. When using Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, assume the current subproblem has an optimal solution x with value v. Can you give a lower bound on the optimal value of (P)? What does your lower bound become if the current dual solution (π,σ) to the master problem is dual feasible?
  4. Suppose (P) has been solved using Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition. How would you find the optimal dual solution to the original problem (P)?
  5. Consider the standard form polyhedron P = {x IRn : Ax = b,x 0} where b IRm and A IRm×n of rank m. Prove or give counterexamples to the following two statements:
    1. If n = m + 1 then P has at most two basic feasible solutions.
    2. Consider the problem of minimizing max{cT x,dT x} over P, where c,d IRn. If this problem has an optimal solution, it has an optimal solution that is an extreme point of P.
  6. The Project:
    Along with your solutions to this homework, hand in a brief description of what you would like to do for the project part of this course. Your project can be one of the following:
    John Mitchell
    Amos Eaton 325
    mitchj at rpi dot edu
    Office hours: Thursday 11am–1pm., on webex