MATP6640/ISYE6770 Linear Programming, Homework 2.

Due: 11.59pm on Friday, February 2, 2024 on LMS.
10% penalty for each day late.

Assume that both the primal problem minx{cTx : Ax = b,x 0} and corresponding dual problem maxy,s{bTy : ATy + s = c} are feasible. Here, A is a m × n matrix of rank m, and all vectors are dimensioned appropriately. For each component j = 1,,n, show that either xj or sj is unbounded in its feasible region, but not both.
Consider the linear programming problem
min  x1  +  x2  +   x3 -   3x4  +   x5
s.t.  x1  +  x2                  -  2x5  =  10
         +  x2  +   x3 -   3x4  +  2x5  =  7
     x1                +    x4  -  3x5  =  6
                    xi ≥    0,       i  =  1,...,5.

Let A denote the constraint matrix, and let the basis matrix B consist of columns 2, 3, and 4 of A.

Find a lower triangular matrix L and an upper triangular matrix U satisfying LB = U.
Use the factors L and U to calculate xB = B-1b, and hence show we have a basic feasible solution. What is the BFS?
Use the factors L and U to calculate the reduced cost.
You should have exactly one negative reduced cost. Use the factors L and U to calculate the corresponding column of B-1N.
Show that the linear program has an unbounded optimal value. What is the corresponding ray r?
The dual to the linear program in Question 2 is infeasible. Taking nonnegative linear combinations of the dual constraints gives further valid dual constraints. Show how the ray r found in Question 2 can be used to construct a linear combination of the dual constraints that is clearly infeasible.
Use Fourier-Motzkin elimination to show the dual to the problem in Question 2 is infeasible.
Use AMPL or another linear programming package to solve the standard form linear programming problem
min   4x1  +  4x2         +  x4  +   5x5
s.t.   2x1  +   x2         +  x4  -   2x5 =   3
     - x1  +   x2  +  x3                 =   3
       x1                 +  x4  -    x5 =   1
                      xi  ≥   0,       i =   1,...,5.

(See the course webpage for more information on AMPL. The software is available on LMS.)

    John Mitchell 518–276–6915
    Amos Eaton 325 mitchj at rpi dot edu
    Office hours: Tues 2.30-4pm, AE 325 (masks required) or webex.
    Thurs 1–2pm, webex: