Name: |
Integer and Combinatorial Optimization
Spring 2023.
Midterm Exam, Tuesday, March 28, 2023.
Please do all four problems. Show all work. No books or calculators allowed. You may use any result from class, the homeworks, or the texts, except where stated. You may use one sheet of handwritten notes. The exam lasts 110 minutes.
Q1 | /30 | |
Q2 | /30 | |
Q3 | /15 | |
Q4 | /25 | |
Total | /100 |
(30 points) We consider a fixed charge network flow problem where there are both incoming and outgoing arcs at a node D, as illustrated below.
The flow variables satisfy the fixed charge constraints 0
A fixed charge inequality is
(1) |
Note: We have three choices for
(10 points) Show equation (1) is satisfied by all points in
Hence (1) is satisfied by all points in
(15 points) Show equation (1) is satisfied by all points in
Hence (1) is satisfied by all points in
(5 points) The point ) is in the LP relaxation of the feasible region.
Show equation (1) is violated by this point, for two different choices of
(10 points) Show the valid inequality
giving the valid inequality
Rounding down the left hand side then rounding down the right hand side gives the
valid inequality
(10 points) Show that
There are at least 2 methods to show the inequality defines a facet: using lifting, or finding 5 affinely independent feasible solutions on the face. We use the second approach.
The five points are:
We show these 5 vectors are linearly independent, placing them as columns of a matrix after permuting the components:
Subtracting the
(10 points) Strengthen the valid inequality
Optimal value is
Now lifting on
Optimal value is
Hence we obtain a lifted inequality of
Note that even if we lift in the opposite order, we obtain the same inequality.
Consider the
(5 points) Show from first principles that the maximum number of edges in any cut is 6.
If all 5 vertices are on the same side of the cut then 0 edges are in the cut.
If 4 vertices are on 1 side and the last vertex on the other side, then the cut contains 4 edges. If 3 vertices are on 1 side and 2 on the other, then 6 edges are in the cut.
(10 points) It follows from part 3a that the constraint
It was proved in class that the convex hull of the
Thus, to prove our inequality is a facet, we need to find 10 affinely independent points that satisfy the constraint at equality.
There are 10 ways to put three vertices on one side of the cut and 2 on the other, so the incidence vectors of these cuts give the candidate points.
(25 points; each part is worth 5 points) For each of the following statements, determine
whether it is
TRUE: This is a result from the notes.
FALSE: need the equality to also hold for every subgraph of
The node-arc incidence matrix of an undirected graph is totally unimodular.
FALSE: It’s true for bipartite graphs and for directed graphs. It’s not true for odd cycles; eg, the 3-cycle gives a node-arc incidence matrix of determinant 2 or -2 (the sign depends on the ordering of the columns).
TRUE: This is a result from the notes.
Assume the nonnegative integer vector
TRUE: this is the strong Gomory cut from the original constraint.
Alternatively, the constraint is equivalent for