MATP6620/ISYE6760 Combinatorial Optimization & Integer Programming
Homework 1.

Due: Tuesday, January 24, 2023, by end of day, on LMS.
Penalty for late homeworks: 10% for each day or part of a day.

Questions 15 of this homework are concerned with a knapsack problem with 20 objects,

max           j=1cjxj
subject to    j=1ajxj  ≤   b
                   xj      binary j = 1,...,20.

A link to the data can be found in question 1 of the online version of this homework. In your initial formulation use variables xj to indicate whether object j is used.

You will solve this problem using AMPL and CPLEX. The packages are available on LMS. More on these packages can be found at and also on LMS.

I lectured about AMPL in MATP 4700, and the videos are linked in LMS, and also available on Box from following the link on the webpage for that course, (see Lecture 9C).

Part 1: introduction (14:17). Link:

 Part 2: an example session. Note: You may want to play this lecture full-screen. (22:03). Link:

  1. Solve the LP relaxation of the problem, so each xe satisfies 0 xe 1. Show that this does not give an optimal solution to the knapsack problem. The LP relaxation model and data files are available online.
  2. Find a feasible binary solution with value 35.
  3. Improve the LP relaxation by adding in selected cover constraints
    ∑  x ≤  |C | - 1
i∈C  i

    for subsets C ⊆{1,, 20}, where jCaj > b. The ampl code for cover constraints is included in the model file, along with one commented-out line in the data file.

  4. Show that adding in all covers of cardinality 3 does not give an optimal solution to the knapsack problem. Hint: AMPL syntax allows constraints of the form

    subject to cover3{i in 1..n-2, j in i+1..n-1, k in j+1..n}:
    x[i] + x[j] + x[k] <= 2;

  5. Can you strengthen the cover inequalities to give a value of the relaxation that is closer to 35?
  6. Consider the following LP, which we call problem (P):
    max    2y1  +   3y2
s.t.    y   +   2y   ≤   7
         1        2
      - y1  +    y2  ≤   4
        y1           ≤  1.

    1. Solve (P) geometrically.
    2. What is the dual (D) of (P)?
    3. Write down the complementary slackness conditions for this problem and use them to solve the dual (D). Check your answer by evaluating the optimal costs for (P) and (D).
    4. For problem (D), what is the optimal basis matrix B? What are the reduced costs at the optimal solution? What are B-1, B-1N, c BT B-1N, c BT B-1b, and cNT - c BT B-1N?
  7. Model the following feasibility problem as an integer programming feasibility problem:

    Given a graph G = (V,E), does there exist a partition of the edges E into two sets E1 and E2 such that neither E1 nor E2 contains a triangle?

    Can you find a feasible solution to the LP relaxation of your formulation?

    John Mitchell
    Amos Eaton 325
    mitchj at rpi dot edu
    Office hours: Tuesday 2-4pm in AE 325 (masks required),
    and Thursday 3pm–4pm on webex: