MATP 4700 Math Models of Operations Research
Homework 7

This homework will not be collected or graded.

The first three questions concern the following linear program

minx∈ℝ3            2x2  +  x3
subject to - x1  +  2x2  +  x3  =   4
                            xi ≥   0 i = 1,...,3

which has dual problem

max      3   4y
subyje∈cℝt,s∈toℝ   - y  +  s   =  0
             2y  +  s1  =  2
              y  +  s2  =  1
                    s3  ≥  0  i = 1,...,3

Let r > 0 and μ = 4r1(1++3rr). Show that x(r) := (4r,1 + r,2 + 2r) solves the barrier problem
minx∈ℝ3            2x1  +  x3  -  μ   i=1 ln(xi)
subject to  - x1  +  2x2  +  x3  =  4
                           xi  ≥  0  i = 1,...,3

for any r > 0. (Hint: this is equivalent to showing that x(r) is on the central path. You need to find dual feasible (y(r),s(r)) so that (x(r),y(r),s(r)) satisfy the central path conditions.) (Lecture 25)

Find x := limr0x(r). Use duality to prove that this limit point x is optimal for (1). (Lecture 25)
Show that x is not a basic feasible solution for (1). How can we have an optimal solution to the standard form problem (1) that is not a basic feasible solution? (Lecture 25)
(Lecture 26) Note that all arcs point from a lower-numbered node to a higher-numbered node in the network below, which can be exploited to design dynamic programming algorithms to answer the questions below.
Use dynamic programming to find all the shortest paths from node 1 to node 12 in the graph.
Use dynamic programming to find all the longest paths from node 1 to node 12 in the graph.

In addition, read Sections 1.8, 21.1 and 7.8 from the text.

Solving the homework problems (and other problems from the text) will improve your understanding of the material.

Working out the problems yourself will greatly improve your understanding of the material and help you on the exams. You can ask questions on piazza, in addition to using office hours or email.

Exam 3 will be on Friday December 8 and will cover integer programming, interior point methods, and dynamic programming. There is no final exam.

    John Mitchell, mitchj at rpi dot edu
    Amos Eaton 325. x6915.
    Office hours:
    Tuesdays 2.30–4pm in AE 325;
    Thursdays 1–3pm webex:
    TA: Marguerite Demasi, demasm at rpi dot edu
    Office hours: Mondays 2–3.30pm in AE 317.