MATH2010 Multivariable Calculus and Matrix Algebra
Course Outline

MTRF 1.30–3.35 (virtual). WebEx: 2.30-3.30, class days, mitchj Summer 2020

Instructor: John Mitchell, Amos Eaton 325, x6915, mitchj at rpi dot edu

Teaching Assistant: Rachel Wesley, wesler at rpi dot edu


Part A: Multivariable Calculus: 

Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3rd or 4th edition, by J. Rogawski and C. Adams (and R. Franzosa). Required.

Part B: Matrix Algebra:  

Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th edition, by L. W. Johnson, R. D. Riess, and J. T. Arnold. Required.

Approximate schedule: (some sections may be omitted, depending on time)

Multivariable calculus: Section numbers are from the 4th edition. The chapter numbers in the 3rd edition are larger by one, so the course covers material from Chapters 15–18 in the 3rd edition.

Matrix algebra:

Lectures: Lectures will be prerecorded. They will be posted on LMS and on box. Typed slides will be made available, as will the lectures themselves, which will consist of an audio track while the notes are presented on an ipad. The ipad notes will also be available. I will be available on webex for questions for the second hour of each lecture slot.

Homework: There will be approximately two weekly assignments, generally based on the text. The assigned questions should be written up neatly and submitted on LMS.
Collaboration: You are encouraged to discuss the problems with your classmates, but the work you turn in must be all your own. It is not acceptable to copy all or part of homework solutions from another person, whether or not that person is currently enrolled in the course.

Late policy: All assignments will have a specific due date, usually on Mondays and Thursdays. Because of the accelerated summer schedule, late homeworks will not be accepted.

Exams: There will be two exams, both required:

Friday June 12,covering multivariable calculus
Friday July 10, covering matrix algebra.

As you would expect, no collaboration is permitted on the exams. The exact structure of the exams is still to be determined. Currently, my plan is to allow you to choose a start time: either the class start time, or 10pm eastern. You’d then have 6 hours to complete the exam. Each exam should not require nearly this much time, but I am adding in some time to allow for download and upload.

Grades: 50% for homeworks, 25% for each exam. The percentages for grade cutoffs will be no stricter than:


939087 838077 737067 60

The World Wide Web: This outline, the homeworks, and other information about the course will be available via my homepage,

There will also be an LMS page for the course.

Office hours:

John MitchellMTRF 2:30– 3:30webex: mitchj

Rachel Wesley
webex and slack as needed

Course learning outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

Computer packages: Packages you may find useful include Matlab, Maple, and Mathematica. The course will not require the use of these packages. Some concepts will be illustrated using figures generated using Matlab.

Academic integrity: Student-teacher relationships are based on mutual trust. Acts which violate this trust undermine the educational process. The Rensselaer Handbook defines various forms of academic dishonesty and procedures for responding to them. The penalties for cheating can include failure in the course, as well as harsher punishments.

Appealing grades: As with any other administrative question regarding this course, see me in the first instance. If we are unable to reach agreement, you may appeal my decision to Professor Schwendeman.

John Mitchell